Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mom is okay with daughter dropping out of high school

Everyone wants their child to attend school and succeed. If they can't or won't go to a College is one thing. But would you allow your child to drop out of High School?

Mother in favor of her daughter dropping out of high school (

Not everyone is suited for everything, obviously. You may try to work at a business and find it doesn't work out. You try another business in the same industry and it does work out. Maybe it was the people. Maybe the way things are done there.

The same applies with school. The extreme examples are the students who get expelled for not attending classes. Is it the student? The materials? The teacher? Their homelife? Could be these or many other factors. The public school systems gear their instruction to the masses. They really can't afford to try to teach to all levels of students in each grade at all schools. There just isn't enough time or money to go around to do this. So what happens to the 'higher' and 'lower' kids? Some of them may not connect to the materials because they aren't engaged enough or it is too difficult or they just don't care.

While talking about this, we're presupposing that there are no 'learning disabilities'. Dyslexia or hearing problems are another matter to be dealt with.

Coming to the conclusion that your child should drop out of High School isn't, and shouldn't, be an easy decision. The child doesn't come home one day and say "I'm not going to school any longer" and you agree. Some due diligence needs to be done to understand the reasons behind this. And as children age, it becomes more and more difficult to 'make them attend school'. A 17-year-old can take the car or bus and leave. A 14-year-old has fewer options. And taking away allowances and privileges is easier.

While I don't whole-heartedly agree with 'I agree my child can drop out of High School' I can understand there are circumstances that would necessitate this agreement.

If your teen wants to drop out, make sure to have a conversation with them immediately. Keep your cool and talk to them about these issues: Teen Advice About Dropping Out Of School (
There are even articles to help young-adults understand the 'steps' and implications of dropping out of High School.

Most students who drop out, do not have their parents agreement. High School Dropouts (CNN)

The rate of dropouts has been declining over the years, but is still too large. What are the dropout rates of high school students? (U.S. Dept of Education)

The top 10 reasons students drop out: Why Teens Drop Out of High School (Womens Forum)

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