Friday, August 27, 2010

Mary Bale: Evil Incarnate for trashing cat? Not even.

By now you have probably heard about Mary Bale, the woman who dumped a cat into a dumpster.  Clearly she's got some issues.  Maybe a cat bit her when she was a child?  Maybe she thinks all small furry things are disgusting?  Maybe she was having a bad day?

Regardless, while she should be chastised and perhaps even be involved in some kind of police action for her cruelty to an animal, she is not 'a monster' or 'evil incarnate' as the following articles suggests.  Nor should someone 'give her grief for the rest of her life.'

Mary Bale The Lady Who Threw Cat In Garbage: Most Hated Woman In World!

Life is Hell for Evil Lady Who Threw Cat Into Garbage Container

And for the record, I am a cat lover.

Lastly, she does NOT deserve police protection.

UPDATE:  Bank clerk 'who dumped cat in wheelie bin' charged with animal cruelty (DailyMail)
UPDATE: Cat bin woman Mary Bale fined £250 (Guardian)

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